Dental Cleaning For Dogs At Home

In Dr Jones’ new video he shows you how to scale your dog’s teeth at home without anesthesia.

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew

P.S. There are a large number of things that you can do to keep your dog or cat’s teeth healthy, potentially avoiding general anesthetic and a veterinary dental

Get it here:

Dental Problems In Dogs And Cats (Video)

6 thoughts on “Dental Cleaning For Dogs At Home”

  1. I want to do this, but I can’t control my dog to get into his mouth for this project. Any suggestions on how to train your dog to accept this procedure? He’s two and I already see issues. I give him plenty of bones and I guess they help, but I am concerned. It cost $300 or more for cleaning

  2. My dog would never be so docile unless he is under anesthetic…you are lucky to get your dog to stay still while you chip away…I am just paying almost $1,500.00 to get my dog’s dental work done!

  3. Good idea but my Chauncy would never tolerate me doing this. I just started to get hm use to a toothbrush and that took weeks. If it wasn’t for the flavored toothpaste for dogs it would not be easy. Now I can brush his teeth four or five times a week. He has liver problems so anesthetic is out of the question. I give him a raw bone weekly.

  4. I am able to do some scaling on my dog’s teeth (australian shepherd)… Like Dr. Andrews says, start small with one tooth, just to get your dog used to it. I am now able to do one side at a time. My dog doesn’t like to chew on bones much so I don’t have the choice and I don’t find that brushing really does the job. Good luck!

  5. I use a gel and a regular toothbrush. Your dog must be under influence of something to be so still.
    One of my dog’s tooth broke from giving her bones.
    Some vet says they see a lot of broken teeth because of bones !

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