Oprah’s Puppy Died of this virus

Hello and Good Morning to you on this Friday.

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Pet First Aid Video

Oprah Puppy Death

A recently watched a short news report about a puppy that Oprah Winfrey recently adopted.

Oprah Winfrey recently adopted two Cocker Spaniel puppies, Ivan and Sadie from PAWS animal shelter in Chicago. Oprah’s puppy Ivan died of Parvoviral infection, and Sadie is now sick with Parvovirus.

In most instances Parvovirus is treatable – it has been over 6 months since a dog has died from Parvovirus in my practice.

BUT, even with Oprah’s unlimited resources, and likely TOP veterinarians, dogs still die from this virus.

What are the Signs?

This is a common, very serious gastrointestinal disease of primarily puppies and young unvaccinated dogs. Your pup will be vomiting, become extremely lethargic and weak, have foul smelling watery, bloody diarrhea, and get progressively dehydrated.

It is caused by?

This virus is found everywhere in the environment – being especially concentrated in areas where dogs gather and defecate (think of the dog park). There are thousands of virus particles spread from an infected dog in the stool, and the virus is resistant, meaning it can survive in the ground for MONTHS after contamination.

In 1978, no dog had any type of immunity against this virus; this lead to a very tragic epidemic at that time, with thousands of dogs dying of the disease then. It is thought that Canine Parvovirus (CPV) is a mutation from a Feline Parvovirus.

What can YOU do?

While I do advocate giving far fewer and less frequent vaccines, you SHOULD vaccinate your puppy for this disease.

This is THE single most important vaccine to give to your puppy. Only 2 doses are required, at 8 and 12 weeks, to fully protect him.

If you were to give ONLY 1 vaccine to your dog, this is the one vaccine I would advise you give.

If your pup is showing signs

If your pet is very lethargic, not eating or drinking, then see your veterinarian immediately. A simple fecal test can confirm Parvoviral infection. Any dog with all of the serious clinical signs of Parvo – prolonged vomiting, bloody diarrhea and dehydration, needs Veterinary care with IV Fluids.

Holistic Options

If your dog is treated for Parvovirus, there are additional Natural remedies that you can add to their treatment.

PROBIOTICS. Restore the natural bacteria in the intestine, to help the intestinal immune system. The most effective supplement is Lactobacillus acidophilus – give 1/4 capsule per 10 lbs of body weight twice daily.

HOMEOPATHIC. You can use this along with conventional Veterinary care. Baptisia- these are very sick pets, and require Veterinary care, but you can supplement their car with this homeopathic- Given in cases of Parvovirus. One 6C every 2-4 hours.


P.S. Sometimes life does Suck- who would think that Oprah would go out of her way to adopt 2 dogs from an Animal Shelter, then have one die of Parvo.

So if you and your pets are healthy- be Thankful.

If you have a puppy, get him or her vaccinated for Parvovirus.

And be prepared if an emergency strikes.

Get prepared here:

Pet First Aid Video

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

2 thoughts on “Oprah’s Puppy Died of this virus”

  1. Oprah’s rescue puppies WERE vaccinated, of course. The vaccine is just not all that effective, and any immunity it does provide is NOT passed on by the mother to her puppies. Being aware of what Parvo looks like and knowing what to do makes a lot of sense, whether you choose to vaccinate or not. Dehydration can become deadly, and often goes unnoticed in particularly active puppies/young dogs.

  2. I had taken a pup who was thought to have Parvo. I looked up on the internet and found somewhere the suggestion of cottage cheese. I used it and have used it again when that same dog had a very bad case of diarrhea when she was 3 years old. Was there some of the acidophllus in the cottage cheese?

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