Another Toxic Flea and Tick Medicine Causing Seizures

Dr Jones’ Free Book..
The FDA recently released a new update adding a new drug to the list of medications causing seizures in dogs and cats.

Natural Flea and Tick Repellents with studies as suggested by the CDC:

1 thought on “Another Toxic Flea and Tick Medicine Causing Seizures”

  1. My dog, Gideon is experiencing seizures after giving Nexgard for 2 months; what I want to know is how long does the medication stay in the body to continue to cause seizures. He was giving the first pill in mid-August, the second pill in mid-September, and it is now November. I became aware of Gideon’s seizures in October. I do not believe in giving my dog toxins but had tried for many months to get rid of the fleas. On the day the Vet gave me Nexgard, he also conducted a complete health examine (I try to stay away from most vaccines and flea/tick/heartworm treatments and feed him a whole food diet so I wanted to be proactive in his care) he did a CBC and all of Gideon’s results were very normal; in very good health for an 7 year old Pomeranian. So now I need to determine if he has a brain tumor or his seizures could be related to taking Nexgard.

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