Got Fleas? Try my NEW Flea Spray

If your dog has fleas, then you should consider more than just the conventional insecticides. They may make your pet sick, and there are other effective holistic options. Dr. Jones shows you a new and natural Flea Spray recipe.

Chronic use of conventional insecticides can equal more risk of illness down the line.

Neem oil is native to Asia, and has been documented as a proven natural pesticide.

It is considered safe when used at 2% or less dilution topically – the issue is that cats are going to clean themselves and most likely ingest it, and this is why I do not recommend Neem for use on cats.

A field study called ‘Field studies on the repellent action of neem oil’ (S.K. Sharma, V.K. Dua, V.P. Sharm)

Field studies on the mosquito repellent action of neem oil..

2 thoughts on “Got Fleas? Try my NEW Flea Spray”

  1. Hi Dr. Jones! I really enjoy your YouTube channel, and find the information very helpful. As my way of giving back, I wanted to share two items that your other viewers and readers might find helpful.

    The first is regarding the flea and tick spray. An alternate essential oil that works amazingly well for ticks is geranium, or rose geranium. Both work well! I mix a few other oils in, but for the ticks, geranium is awesome! I use a 32 ounce spray bottle (I have multiple larger dogs, so need quite a lot) and add around 35 drops of geranium essential oil, and around45 drops of cedar oil, and some basil essential oil for flies, and fill with plain tap water. Very cheap, and very effective against ticks. This works fabulously well for this area. I live in New Mexico, and we have predominantly deer ticks here. Fleas are not too bad, as my dogs are raw fed, and the fleas don’t like them, due to their strong immune systems, but suffice it to say that if they do turn up with a flea now and then, it’s rare, and never more than a couple. I have seen other dogs in the area covered in fleas, so they are here, just don’t like a meal that fights back. 😉

    I would also like to share a recipe for a mosquito repellent that I recently discovered. We normally get very little rain here, so mosquitoes are not typically a problem. This year, however, we have already had about triple our normal rainfall for this time of year, so the mosquito population has gone crazy. I was looking at ads for different natural repellents, and saw one that had rave reviews. The ONLY active ingredient in it was lemongrass essential oil. I always keep a bottle of it on hand, so mixed up around 50 drops with a 1/2 cup of witch hazel, and the rest water in my 32 ounce spray bottle. It works fantastic, but you must make sure that you cover the ENTIRE animal, or the mosquitoes will bite anywhere that there is none of the spray. I spray their bodies, then spray into my hand and rub it on their faces and ears to keep them safe. The mosquitoes will come close, but they stop about 1 to 2 inches from the dog. It’s awesome!

    I hope someone finds this information useful!

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