Pet First Aid – Bite Wounds and Abscesses

From: Dr Andrew Jones
Author: Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Re: Vets suck at doing this…


Hey everybody! A happy Wednesday to you.

This week I am focusing on Dog and Cat emergencies. I regularly see them – and surprisingly MOST people DON’T know what to do.

And I have been wondering why…

I think that we as a profession (Veterinarians) have done a poor job at teaching clients what to do in an emergency.

Truthfully, your Vet wants you to come to their practice and spend money – there just isn’t ANY economic incentive to having dog and cat guardians to be better prepared.

SO… It’s up to you

There are many COMMON dog and cat emergencies- in fact I see MANY that you could be treating at home, if you knew WHAT to do.

And What do you think the MOST common emergency is?



ALLERGIC reactions?

URINARY blockage in cats?

NOPE… None of the above

Believe it or not I see a LARGE number of Dog and Cat Bite Wounds and Abscesses.

The ‘SECRET’ is dealing with the bite wound BEFORE it turns into an Abscess.

If More of you did this, you could SAVE your pet unnecessary pain and discomfort, and avoid SPENDING hundreds of dollars.

So what do I need to know?

You can get ALL the ANSWERS by going here:

Here is a snippet of What’s in my First Aid Book…


A red and possibly swollen area appears on your pet. Sometimes puncture marks are visible. There may be bleeding if blood vessels are damaged.

Lameness, if the puncture affects a leg. This is commonly seen in cats in cat fights. Abscesses are often found at the tail base of cats as they are running away and are bitten in the bum.


Your pet’s teeth are very sharp, and even small punctures can lead to abscesses. The mouth is a large cauldron of bacteria, and when your pet is bitten, these enter and multiply in a wound, becoming an abscess.


KNOW WHEN TO SEE YOUR VETERINARIAN. If your pet is very lethargic, not eating or drinking, then see your veterinarian immediately. Bacteria from abscesses can spread in the body, giving your pet septicemia (blood poisoning). If your pet has a large swelling that is not draining, then you must see your veterinarian to have it drained surgically. Abscesses that are open and draining and small bite wounds can be treated safely at home.

BARBER TIME. Trim the hair around the bite or wound. Trim large sections with scissors, and carefully use a disposable razor to trim the hair next to the skin.

KEEP IT CLEAN. If possible, put your pet in the sink or bathtub and run lukewarm tap water on the bite or abscess for 5 minutes. If your pet won’t tolerate running water, use a damp cloth or gauze sponge. Purchase an antiseptic soap, Germi-Stat, available at your local pharmacy, and wash the area well. Keep the wound clean and perform this water therapy twice daily for 5-7 days.

STAY OPEN. The most important thing you can do to prevent the bite from turning into a costly abscess is to vigorously scrub the puncture wound with a damp cloth and antiseptic soap. The puncture marks MUST stay open for at least 3 days to drain properly.
For large abscesses that are open and draining, keep them open for at least 3 days after you have thoroughly cleaned them and clipped the surrounding hair.


P.S. DON’T underestimate the power of utilizing these seemingly SIMPLE techniques. They will prevent many bite wounds from turning into abscess.Then to go even further you can use the herbal and homeopathics that I advise here:

It’s Your Pet. Heal Them At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

1 thought on “Pet First Aid – Bite Wounds and Abscesses”

  1. I took your advice from the Veterinary Secrets ebook for my dog’s hot spot by using the black tea and aspirin method, after cutting the hair away from the affected area. Worked very well, healed quickly and the hot spot never developed into a problem.

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