When is it SAFE to treat your pet at home?..PLUS Version 2.0 is coming!

From: Dr Andrew Jones
Author: Veterinary Secrets Revealed
Website: drjonesnaturalpet.com

Re: When is it safe to treat your pet at home?


Good morning fellow readers of Veterinary Secrets.

First Thank You to those who participated in the
survey and sent in testimonials..it is VERY appreciated!

Now on to my “regular” newsletter.

As you all know, I am very close to My Upgraded Version of
My Membership Site..Dr Andrew Jones’ Inner Circle 2.0

I have been getting lots of questions and comments.

In the days leading to the release of Version 2.0, I will be
addressing these questions and comments.

Here is one of the most frequently asked question about my
Inner Circle:
How do I know when it is safe to treat my pet at home and
when do I need to take her to the vet?

I have EVERYTHING you need in My Inner Circle to be able
to KNOW the answer to this CRITICAL question.

When used in the STEP by STEP ways, it will allow you to examine your pet,
make a tentative diagnosis, and show you the possible safe, natural and
effective at home remedies.

The At Home Exam, then you will
be able to recognize what is abnormal in your pet.

You will be able to judge if the condition is serious and requires immediate
veterinary care, or if the condition can be treated at home.

On all of the selected diseases I discuss, I advise when you should seek immediate
veterinary care, or when you can treat your pet at home.
Let me use the example of a cat abscess.

One day your cat is not acting herself.

She isn’t eating very much and seems to be sleeping more.
Step 1

First you perform a thorough exam, based on my
Core Training at home exam video.

You go through the The At Home Exam Report
Step 2

You RECORD your findings in an orderly way!

You find that your cat has a fever of 39.5 Celsius. (103 Farenheit)

You find that she has a painful area on her tail base.

You note that she is not dehydrated.

You see that her gum color is pink, meaning good blood pressure.

You listen to her heart, and see that she is breathing normal.

You find a draining open hole on the painful area.
Step 3

After recording your observations and clinical findings, form a list of disease possibilities.

Use the Table of Contents and the Index at the back to read about the specific diseases.

In reading about the treatments, decide which is most appropriate for your pet.
The index under fever refers to abscesses.

You decide that your pet likely has an abscess.

YOU can use the SEARCh function and find..ABSCESSES

You read about abscesses Veterinary Secrets Revealed Online.

You see a picture of an abscess.

You read this:

KNOW WHEN TO SEE YOUR VETERINARIAN. If your pet is very lethargic, not eating
or drinking, then see your veterinarian immediately. Bacteria from abscesses
can spread in the body, giving your pet septicemia (blood poisoning). If
your pet has a large swelling which is not draining, then you must see your
veterinarian to have it drained surgically. Abscesses which are open and
draining and small bite wounds can be treated safely at-home.
Your cat is still eating, is not dehydrated, and has a draining abscess.

Based on these symptoms, you decide that this is something that you can treat at home.
Step 4

You read about these treatments:

BARBER TIME. Trim the hair around the bite or wound. Trim large sections with scissors,
and carefully use a disposable razor to trim the hair next to the skin.
KEEP IT CLEAN. If possible, put your pet in the sink or bathtub and run lukewarm tap
water on the bite or abscess for 5 minutes. If your pet won’t tolerate running water,
use a damp cloth or gauze sponge. Purchase an antiseptic soap, Hibitane, available at
your local pharmacy, and wash the area well. Keep the wound clean and perform this water
therapy twice daily for 5-7 days.
HOMEOPATHIC. Silica is a top homeopathic remedy for healing. The dose is 30C given twice
daily for 3-5 days. It will help the body remove debris from the wound, in other words,
help draw out the abscess.

You decide upon a homeopathic treatment, so you read about Homeopathic healing in your Pet.

The Treatment.

Once you decide upon a course of action, go to a reputable supplier, such as a local
Health Coop, and purchase the specific homeopathic remedies.

You clip the hair around your cat’s abscess.

You wash it twice daily with an anti-septic soap. You keep the hole open, as I
advise in the abscess section.

You give the homeopathic medication.

In treating your pet,  you record the Daily Changes in your pet, including response
to treatment with the PROGESS SHEETS.

If your pet responds well..GREAT!

If they don’t respond, re-consider your diagnosis, or See your veterinarian.

If you have any concerns about at home health care for your pet see your local veterinarian.


P.S. This isn’t rocket science. There are pretty basic steps that I take in my
practice to decide what illness a pet has, and how best to treat.

You really can be taught to do the same thing.

What you have been missing is a teacher.

But good news- you’ve found me.

 P.P.S. There is an upcoming Fr**ee Teleseminar this Friday
with World Renowned Animal Communicator, Alecia Evans.

She is ‘the Real Deal’, and I will be attending this call to hear
her REVEAL the Sec*rets of communicating with my own pets.

Alecia is a nationally recognized Animal Wellness Consultant.
During her 10 years of experience in the health and wellness field
facilitating healing with humans clients through touch, she
discovered that animals responded remarkably well to the same

That awareness propelled Alecia to understand animal healing on a
deeper level. The philosophy of her work is that prevention is
the best medicine to helping animals heal in the most natural
and gentle ways possible.


Date: Friday November 16 at 6PM Pacific (9PM Eastern)

Click this link to listen:

http://www.theonlinevet.com/recommends/ <— Click that, please


After you attend this LIVE! 60-min. teleseminar,
you’ll discover…

How to communicate with your pet through your natural,
instinctive intuition….In Only a few SIMPLE Steps.

How to feed your pet for optimal health and well-being…
Get the facts and dispel the myths.

The PITFALLS of conventional treatment… Here is
When to turn to alternative healing for your pets.

What your pets are really telling you through their behaviors
and issues… Find out HOW on this call.

DISCOVER how to read your pets energy patterns to REVEAL your
own healing.

What your own pet really wants you to know… Alecia KNOWS and
so can you.


Date: Friday November 16 at 6PM Pacific (9PM Eastern)

Click this link to listen:

http://www.theonlinevet.com/recommends/ <— Click that, please

Stay tuned for more updates.

It’s Your Pet- Heal Them At Home!

Best Wishes

Dr Andrew Jones

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Copyright 2006 Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Tel: 1-800-396-1534
Fax: 1-250-352-1901


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