Wound Care: How I am Treating my Ski Injury


I recently went on a back country ski trip.

But with ill fitting ski boots.

After an hour, my foot became sore, with it rubbing on the ski boot..

I bandaged it, but the rubbing continued…here is what happened, and more importantly HOW I am getting it to quickly resolve, and HOW you can treat your dog or cat’s wounds at home.

P.S. This is a wonderful emergency resource to have on hand.

The Manual of Pet First Aid


7 thoughts on “Wound Care: How I am Treating my Ski Injury”


  2. DOC,
    Great to see you’re using honey for your wound… I’m not sure if your honey is”RAW” Honey…the only way to go..
    Fort Myers

  3. Hi Dr. Jones, I am always learning great things from you. Wishing your ski wound a quick recovery. I have a cat with a sore eye and wonder if I could put honey in the eye?

  4. So glad i found your videos. How wondwrful of you to help others and our pets in the way you do. Wondered if you knew if aloe vera is toxic to pets as i have thought of using it on my dog’s rash? My dog has had a strange rash for about 2 months and 3 vets are stumped. Also wondered if i could share a pic in the event you might have an idea as to how to help my dog heal?
    Thanks again for your helpful videos. No doubt you are making a difference.

  5. Dr Jones

    Wishing you a speedy recovery! Honey is in my cupboard at all times and I have a very large Aloe Vera plant ready to be used when needed. The healing properties are awesome…

    Thank you…
    Happy New Year and a Prosperous 2016

  6. First search the website here, I think Dr Jones just did one on skin rash within the last xouple of months ….

    #4 Roberta, I’m not a vet! Just sharing many years’experience with cats. But I don’t think honey on the eye would be a good idea (unless it’s the furry skin right near your cat’s eye). I’m pretty sure they say not to use honey on infants under 1 y/o, and I advise caution bc a cat’skin is thinner than a baby’s.

    … maybe try a warm moist compress to hold on your cat’s closed eye to increase blood flow thru the vessels there. Sometimes that’ll help the body heal naturally. If your cat’s eye is scratched, pricked by a claw, or badly swollen it may be something your vet needs to attend to. An infected wound is dangerous to your cat.

    #5 Cindy, have you recently changed your dog’s diet? Has your dog been stressed (by New Year fireworks or new animals or kids)? Is your dog constantly licking at hir sores?

    I know Dr Jones has suggested cool black tea compresses for itching &c. The tannin in tea has a soothing effect. He has you steep a teabag (ordinary old Liptons or similar) in very warm water, let it cool to room temp, soak a clean cloth in it and hold that on the skin for several minutes I think twice a day. If you’ve downloaded his book you’ll find in there, or you may be able to search this very website for an article on healing itchy sore skin.

    Dogs are much more patient with things like moist compresses than cats are 🙂

    Sometimes my two Tortie cats have gotten very bad rashes from flea allergy dermatitis, which is the devil! One got foot itch from a new kind of cat litter. She’s also allergic to chicken and wheat. So environment and diet can be major factors. If your dog keeps licking the rash get hir an inflatable collar (more comfortable than the Cone of Shame).

    I cat-sat for a lady who was using aloe vera in an effort to cure her cat’s sore skin. It wasn’t working because the cat kept licking and scratching so a physical barrier helped.

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